AGN up-coming meeting in Arusha

AGN up-coming meeting in Arusha

Dear  Inviolatta Moyo, Uluntu Community Foundation


We are requesting Uluntu Community Foundation, a valued member of AGN to circulate to your networks and include on the Uluntu Community Foundation website, our CALL FOR 2015 AGN ASSEMBLY SESSION PROPOSALS, as follows:

“The Programmes Committee of the 2015 African Grantmakers Network Assembly invites your proposal submission for the breakaway sessions at the third Assembly, taking place from 1st to 3rdJuly, 2015, in Arusha, Tanzania..

The African Grantmakers Network (AGN) was launched in Accra, Ghana in July 2009 as a continentwide network of African grant making organizations and other philanthropic groups, established to facilitate established and emerging African philanthropic institutions to network and learn from each other.

A key programme of the AGN is the biennial AGN Assembly. The Assembly convenes African and international development organisations and partners to debate development issues, showcase emerging philanthropy practices and demonstrate exciting innovative trends on the continent and beyond. This wealth of information is shared through case studies, expert presentations, plenary and breakaway sessions.

The theme for the 2015 Assembly is “Philanthropy in Africa 2015: People, Policy and Practice”, The Assembly programme will focus on the three key areas of People, Policy and Practice for analysis and engagement in the discourse on philanthropy in Africa.

Workshop submissions will be a maximum of 2 hours duration and can be made online, or emailed to

The deadline for submissions is 1700hours GMT on Thursday 30th April, 2015.

It should be noted that due to financial constraints, AGN will not be able to offer financial support for proposal submissions beyond offering space for the workshop to take place as well as publicity outreach. It is assumed that all submissions will be on a self-organised basis.

For more information about the 2015 AGN Assembly visit the link 2015 AGN Assembly“.

Kind Regards

Adern Nkandela – AGN Secretariat

1 Comment

  • When I hear the buzz of the little world among the stalks, and grow familiar with the countless indescribable forms of the insects and flies.

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