
To improve food security and livelihoods in targeted communities

Education Support

  • To facilitate the upgrading of learning institutions through construction, equipping and learner preparedness support through institutional and community support.
  • To create an enabling environment for school dropouts due to socio-economic challenges to resume schooling through supporting institutions identified to provide such services.

Business Development & Financial Support

  • Creating businesses and business linkages and offering financial services to business startups and growth-oriented enterprises.
  • Businesses to be registered to qualify for funding
  • Disbursement of funds upon submission of quotations and paid directly to suppliers

Gender and Social Justice

  • An enabled environment that facilitates and acknowledges both men and women as key players in development and bringing sanity in home environment.
  • Influencing the upholding, implementation and execution of social justice within the communities based on traditional, political and legislative acknowledgement of the rights of women, men and children in participating in socio-economic decision-making mechanisms.